Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Tuesday ramblings

Well, we met Bryce's teacher last night and she seems WONDERFUL. I am confident that he will have another good year. She immediately got down on his level and talked to him. She even asked him if he played any sports, so he immediately lit up, she said if he would bring her his schedule that she would come watch a game. He was thrilled with that, the more fans of Bryce at the game, the better. He seriously has a complex about this. Its not enough for Chad and I to come, grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, Sunday school teachers, etc are always invited by Bryce because he loves a crowd - but don't worry, if you happen to miss a game, he thinks you can catch it on tv!!!! Too funny! He has a few kids in his class that he knows but not some of his favorite friends from last year.

Chad finished putting Bryce's basketball goal up yesterday (his bday present from MAY!!) So, at 9:30 last night Bryce was out shooting in the dark. It looks really good, Chad still needs to put the pavers and rock around it but its usable now so Bryce is happy.

Bryce lost his 4th tooth last night. I'll post a pic soon. This is the only one he hasn't cried about. The tooth was so loose that it was pretty much just hanging (gross, I know) so he told Chad to sit on him and pull it. It came out easily but bled quite a bit. He was really excited about losing this one. The tooth fairy came last night so he was up early this morning to see how much $ she left :)

Well, the boss is out of the office for the next 3 days so I have a bunch of her work today so I better get to it. Have a super day!


Kelli said...

Konner lost a tooth last night as well! Too cute :) I am so glad he likes his teacher and you too! That is so nice, Konner got the most favorite teacher of everyone, so we are so happy that K got her since we didn't get to request a teacher.

Patti H said...

so how much does the tooth fairy leave these days? Love how he thinks you can watch his game if you miss it.

AshleyS said...

okay, so I'm just now realizing you have a personal blog--DUH!!!

I'm so glad that I can keep up with you now. Sounds like Bryce has a good teacher this year!