Monday, September 22, 2008


Well, its been a busy couple of days are out of order so the story will be too....

Tonight was the first flag football game of the season, Bryce can't wait until next year so he can play pads/helmets :) Their team only had the ball on offense a total of 4 times because the other team was so slow at setting up their plays - it literally took them over 10 minutes to run 4 plays, soooo frustrating. Anyway, Bryce played awesome on defense! He scored one of his teams 3 touchdowns. They seriously only got to run about 7 plays on offense - they would score as soon as they got the ball. They are the maroon team - he's #5, like Tyrod!

2nd soccer game - 8:15 am on Saturday - urghhhhhh. They tied 3-3, Bryce scored 2 of his team's goals!

Big B suckered his way in to coming home with us on Saturday because he wanted me to cut his hair - he ended up staying with us most of the weekend. Bryce loves for him to come, they have so much fun. Bryce was completely exhausted and grumpy by the time Big B left so he decided on his own that he needed to go spend some time alone in his room. He was REALLY quiet for a while so Chad went to check on him and look what he found!! Bryce had handcuffed himself and fallen asleep the wrong way in his bed - LOL!!! Can't wait to pull these pics out when he gets married ;)

So, that's a quick recap of life here. We have soccer practice this week and then a soccer and a football game on Saturday. The football team is supposed to walk in VT's homecoming parade but Bry has a soccer game during it so we'll be doing soccer.

Catch up with you guys later this week!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Is it really Wednesday already!??!?!

This week has flown by!!! We moved our offices today to another floor in the building. I like my new office, I still have a big window with a view, nicer furniture and 2 big book cases to put Bryce's pictures in!!

Getting up Saturday morning about killed me :) Bryce scored 4 of his team's 5 goals. They won 5-4. Here is what our very foggy morning looked like (Bryce is #9 on the "teal" team)

Friday, September 12, 2008


This week has been insane. Chad was in the ER this week, had to take off yesterday to take him for more tests. We'll know results next week and I'll share with you guys then.

Bryce has had soccer or football practice every day. He has his first soccer game at 8:15 tomorrow morning - who in the heck sets these games at the crack of dawn?!?! I'm usually not even thinking about being awake at 8:15 on a Saturday much less being up, showered and dressed then!!! Sheesh, I'm sure I'll be a bottle of sunshine - LOL. Every week after this, Bryce will have a soccer and a football game on Saturday mornings so hopefully the times won't conflict. His football team looks pretty good so far so I'm anxious to see them play!!

On the work front, it got VERY ugly but is okay now. I will just say that I can't stand it when people lie so I was pretty fired up....We are moving our offices to another floor on Tuesday and have a tradeshow on Thursday so it will be a busy week. Overall I feel better about things and hope the next several months will go smoothly.

If you live in the Birmingham, Alabama area see below from my friend Virginia's blog:

Join us at Wrapper's Delight for a weekend long crafting time, fabulous classes, make and takes, prizes, and much more! Visit for more information!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!! VT plays GT tomorrow, this could be scary - stay tuned


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

At least the week is halfway over :)

That sounds like a jolly title doesn't it? I absolutely can't wait for this week to be over. Work has been torture. I've been in tears multiple times. I'll be glad when the merger drama is over and things are somewhat normal which will probably be at least November for me. Please pray for me, I'm truly having a really difficult time dealing with it all.

On to slightly happier news, even though VT got their butts beat on Saturday, it opened Beamer's eyes to see that Glennon is just not a good QB and Tyrod's redshirt has been removed - yippeeeee!!!! Chad is taking Bryce to the game Saturday and I'm going to stay home and scrapbook or cook. They will enjoy a boys day and I'll enjoy a day at home to myself :)

Now, you noticed I said cook above. Can someone please come take my temperature?!?! I don't think I have ever in my life been in the mood to cook but I am for some strange reason. I found several new recipes that I want to try so I hope they turn out well so I'll actually have a positive cooking experiece, that really doesn't happen very often!!

Bryce is not wanting to do AWANAS again this year at church. I'm really not sure how I feel about this. Last year, he didn't want to do it and I didn't make him. I figured starting a full 5 day kindergarten was enough for his poor 5 year old body. And its not that he doesn't/can't learn the verses. He's very capable of doing it but he doesn't like the fun part of AWANAS either - playing games, etc. So, last year, he sat in church with me on Wednesday nights and it usually went pretty well. I really think he is like me and Chad in that he does not like to be put on the spot. I can quote Bible verses all day in my head but if someone asks me to quote one in a classroom environment, I totally freeze and so does Chad so I honestly think that is part of Bryce's problem too. Even though he's not nearly as shy as he once was, he's just not that kind of kid. Soooo, I really don't know what to do this year - any advice? I will tell you that I am really having issues with being motivated to drive 25 minutes to church on Wednesday nights after working all day, coming home to cram in dinner and Bryce's homework before we leave -- and Chad usually works on Wednesday nights so its me doing it all by myself. I was raised going to church twice on Sundays and every Wednesday night, no questions asked so I am struggling with this in a major way. I know I should go to church every service but its sooo hard. I am truly contemplating getting an age appropriate boys devotional book with questions and memory verses in it and Bryce and I just doing it at home on Wednesdays and then practicing the verse all week. Please give me some feedback on how you feel about this and deal with these situations. I am responsible for his little soul at this point and don't want to screw up!!!

Sorry that got so long today! When I sat down to blog, I didn't think I was going to have much to say ;)