Friday, September 12, 2008


This week has been insane. Chad was in the ER this week, had to take off yesterday to take him for more tests. We'll know results next week and I'll share with you guys then.

Bryce has had soccer or football practice every day. He has his first soccer game at 8:15 tomorrow morning - who in the heck sets these games at the crack of dawn?!?! I'm usually not even thinking about being awake at 8:15 on a Saturday much less being up, showered and dressed then!!! Sheesh, I'm sure I'll be a bottle of sunshine - LOL. Every week after this, Bryce will have a soccer and a football game on Saturday mornings so hopefully the times won't conflict. His football team looks pretty good so far so I'm anxious to see them play!!

On the work front, it got VERY ugly but is okay now. I will just say that I can't stand it when people lie so I was pretty fired up....We are moving our offices to another floor on Tuesday and have a tradeshow on Thursday so it will be a busy week. Overall I feel better about things and hope the next several months will go smoothly.

If you live in the Birmingham, Alabama area see below from my friend Virginia's blog:

Join us at Wrapper's Delight for a weekend long crafting time, fabulous classes, make and takes, prizes, and much more! Visit for more information!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!! VT plays GT tomorrow, this could be scary - stay tuned



Patti H said...

Hope all is well with your dh. Oh Lee-Ellen I so remember the 5:00 am hockey practices!! Good luck

Kelli said...

815...icky! You aren't headed to bama are you??? LOL