Monday, December 29, 2008

Merry Christmas (late)

Merry Christmas (late)! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. We had a great time. Chad was actually off Christmas Eve and Christmas Day for the first time ever. Bryce was so excited and surprised opening his gifts! Watching him was just so precious. He is always so appreciative for his gifts and I love that about him.

We had a good time with both familes. Lots of good times, laughs, food and gifts! All 4 of the nephews and 1 niece on my side of the family spent the night with Bryce on the 26th. Chad was at work so it was me against the 6 wild ones. They are all between 9 and 4 years old. They were really good and we had a great time. Those of you that really know me, know that people in my house totally freaks me out. I just feel on edge the entire time. This sleep over was spur of the moment so I didn't have time to think about it or freak out until they were there. I actually did ok. I even shocked myself. Nothing was broken ;) so I'm very thankful for that! I'll try to post some pics this week! I didn't take very many pics this year, not sure what was wrong with me!

If I don't post again before - Happy New Year! I hope you will all have a blessed 2009!


Patti H said...

wow six little ones? you are brave! Glad you and your family had a nice Christmas Lee-Ellen

AshleyS said...

glad I'm not the only one who celebrates when the company actually LEAVES!