Friday, August 15, 2008

2 Days in a row, can you believe it??

Well, I think I've set a new record with blogging 2 days in a row - LOL!

Second day back at work and I'm ready for the weekend for sure! This place is just one big ball of stress!

Last night when I got home from work, Bryce ran to meet me with a hug and that totally made my day. I think he's gotten much more attached to me with the time I spent at home this summer. He's usually a big time daddy's boy. It was so great but at the same time it broke my heart to know how much closer we could be if I could stay home all the time. I would definitely do things differently if I could start over.

I scrapbooked some last night and that was great therapy - Bryce helped, that's always entertaining. I lost a note that Bryce wrote to the toothfairy and its about to drive me nuts trying to find it. It was precious and needs to go in his scrapbook!! Wanna come help me look??!?!? I'll try to post some stuff I've done recently this weekend.

This weekend is Brittany's pool party but that's about all we have planned. Chad has to work so its me and the little man on our own. Bryce starts 1st grade next Wednesday - it doesn't seem possible that he is that old yet - time truly flies once you have kids.

On the TTC front, several people have asked so here's the scoop: we are not preventing but we are not trying either. I'm really praying for a miracle that I know God can provide. After the 2 failed IUI's and all the health issues, we figured we will put it in God's hands (which it really has been all along) and if He decides to bless us with another child then we will be thrilled, if He doesn't then we know that it was just not in His plan for our lives.

Sorry for the novel today, guess I should get to work, huh? Peace!

1 comment:

Kelli said...

now this is the way to KIT :) I can't believe B is going into 1st grade...this is insane.

thanks for the update on health, I will be praying for you ;0)