Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Tagged by Patti!

Here are the rules:

*If you are tagged, you must firstly post the rules:*
Write 7 strange characteristics about yourself.
They interest us all!*
Tag 5 other people at the end of your Post.*
Visit everyone that you have tagged and leave a comment on their blog to let them know that they have been tagged.

So here are mine.

1. I totally freak in the car when passing a tractor trailer (so much so that Chad threatens to kick me out of the car!)

2. I carry the little tin of blue blistex lip stuff with me EVERYWHERE, like I can't even leave one room of my house without carrying it with me!

3. I brush my teeth in the shower every morning, not at the sink

4. I hate amusement parks (but Chad loves them so I'm forced to go)

5. I still can not jump in the pool without plugging my nose

6. I rarely buy clothes without Chad's opinion because he's a fashion junkie!

7. I never leave my house without makeup

I tag:



Kelli said...

hmmm the blistex thing is alitte OCD dontcha think? LOL

AshleyS said...

brush in the shower??? hmmm.

I will do this tag SOON I promise!!