Friday, August 22, 2008

Got this from my friend Mary's blog - you can only use one word to answer the following:

1. Where is your cell phone? PURSE
2. Where is your significant other? CAR
3. Your hair? BLONDE
4. Your mother? WORK
5. Your father? HEAVEN
6. Your favorite thing? FAMILY
7. Your dream last night? NONE
8. Your dream/goal? HEALTHY
9. The room you're in? OFFICE
10. Your hobby? SCRAPBOOKING
11. Your fear? DEATH
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? COMFORTABLE
13. Where were you last night? HOME
14. What you're not? THIN
16. One of your wish list items? WEALTHY
17. Where you grew up? CHRISTIANSBURG
18. The last thing you did? WORK
19. What are you wearing? KHAKIS
20. Your TV? OFF
21. Your pet? NONE
22. Your computer? DELL
24. Your mood? HAPPY
25. Missing someone? YES
26. Your car? DURANGO
27. Something you're not wearing? POLISH
28. Favorite store? TJ MAXX
29. Your summer? SICK
30. Love someone? ALWAYS
31. Your favorite color? BLUE
32. When is the last time you laughed? TODAY
33. Last time you cried? WEDNESDAY

In other news, who in the world knew that first graders have homework and didn't tell me?!?! This is going to be a tough year I'm afraid. Bryce does not like homework at all and procrastinates until the last minute. As you know, he got this from his father and not me. Drives me insane. We're going to have to come up with an incentive/punishment plan. Any ideas? One of his assignments has been that he has to read to me for 15 minutes each night, he is actually doing better reading than I thought he would. It makes me sad to think my baby can actually read - I guess he's not really a baby anymore, huh?

Hope you have a fab weekend!


Kelli said...

1. Where is your cell phone? CHARGING
2. Where is your significant other? B'DUBS
3. Your hair? BROWN
4. Your mother? FRIEND
5. Your father? HOSPITAL
6. Your favorite thing? LAUGHTER
7. Your dream last night? WEIRD
8. Your dream/goal? TRUST
9. The room you're in? DEN
10. Your hobby? SCRAPBOOKING
11. Your fear? LIES
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? HEALED
13. Where were you last night? HOME
14. What you're not? ORGANIZED
16. One of your wish list items? $
17. Where you grew up? WOODBRIDGE
18. The last thing you did? SHUTTERFLY
19. What are you wearing? PJS
21. Your pet? DOODLE
22. Your computer? MAC DADDY (WOOPS'S THAT'S 2 WORDS! LOL)
24. Your mood? WORRIED
25. Missing someone? SORTA
26. Your car? MESSY
27. Something you're not wearing? GLASSES
28. Favorite store? H&M
29. Your summer? DECENT
30. Love someone? FOREVER
31. Your favorite color? GREEN
32. When is the last time you laughed? SATURDAY (8/16)
33. Last time you cried? YESTERDAY

Hmmmm that was rough.

Patti H said...

1. Where is your cell phone? counter
2. Where is your significant other? snoring
3. Your hair? dirty blonde
4. Your mother? healing
5. Your father? passed
6. Your favorite thing? family
7. Your dream last night? didn't
8. Your dream/goal? retiring
9. The room you're in? familyroom
10. Your hobby? SCRAPBOOKING
11. Your fear? snakes
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? retired
13. Where were you last night? HOME
14. What you're not? smart
16. One of your wish list items? bmw
17. Where you grew up? Peterborough
18. The last thing you did? cooked
19. What are you wearing? tanktop
20. Your TV? old
21. Your pet? Westie
22. Your computer? laptop

24. Your mood? tired
25. Missing someone? yup
26. Your car? yuck
27. Something you're not wearing? rings
28. Favorite store? Scrapbook
29. Your summer? perfect
31. Your favorite color? pink
32. When is the last time you laughed? today
33. Last time you cried? monday

Great idea Kelly. Lee-Ellen is takes me way back reading your posts about your son and homework. Good luck with that. My advise establish a routine

AshleyS said...

1. Where is your cell phone? PURSE
2. Where is your significant other? WORK
3. Your hair? BROWN
4. Your mother? FRIEND
5. Your father? HELPER
6. Your favorite thing? CAMERA
7. Your dream last night? NONE
8. Your dream/goal? PEACE
9. The room you're in? OFFICE
10. Your hobby? SCRAPBOOKING
11. Your fear? LOSS
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? BETTER
13. Where were you last night? CHURCH
14. What you're not? ADVENTUROUS
16. One of your wish list items? LAPTOP
17. Where you grew up? CONWAY
18. The last thing you did? BLOG
19. What are you wearing? CLOTHES
20. Your TV? REALITY
21. Your pet? KATIE
22. Your computer? BUILT BY HUBBY (MORE THAN ONE, I KNOW!)
24. Your mood? NEUTRAL
25. Missing someone? ALWAYS
26. Your car? GARAGE
27. Something you're not wearing? SHOES
28. Favorite store? DRESS BARN
29. Your summer? BUSY
30. Love someone? YES
31. Your favorite color? RED (TODAY)
32. When is the last time you laughed? TODAY
33. Last time you cried? YESTERDAY

Patti H said...

So glad you are blogging Lee-Ellen cause I just tagged you. You need to check out my blog for the rules LOL